Tall Woman III, 1960
Grande Femme III

In 1958 Giacometti was invited to create a sculpture for the plaza in front of the Chase Manhattan Bank skyscraper in New York. It was a chance to fulfil his long-held dream of realizing a work in the public space. After lengthy deliberation, he finally proposed a group of three larger than life-size sculptures: a standing woman, a walking man and a head on a base – a synthesis of all the major themes in his late work. Although the commission ultimately came to nothing, Giacometti continued to develop the group, including ‘Grande femme III’.

Due to technical necessities, some of Giacometti's larger plasters had to be divided into several parts before they could be made into bronze castings at the foundry. In order to preserve the original substance of the plasters, the respective works owned by the Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung are usually not reassembled permanently.

Like the other large sculptures in the group, this work was modelled directly in plaster without a preliminary stage in clay. Before a bronze cast could be made, it had to be separated into two parts in the foundry. These have been reunited at the Kunsthaus and are presented as a single visual entity, attached to a background. The dark colouration of the plaster is due to its surface being treated with shellac before casting.

Plaster, partially painted, coated with sealant and release agent
246.7 x 30 x 55 cm
Kunsthaus Zürich, Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung, Donated by Bruno and Odette Giacometti, 2006
Object number
GS 356
  • Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft | Kunsthaus Zürich (Museum), ab 2006, Leihgabe
  • Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung (Sammlung), 2006, Geschenk
  • Bruno und Odette Giacometti, Nachlass
  • Alberto Giacometti