Head of a Man, c. 1925
Tête dʼhomme
The head was sculpted directly in granite by Giacometti. It never served as a template for a plaster or bronze cast.
- Material
- Granite
- Dimensions
- 27.6 x 15.8 x 19 cm
- Creditline
- Kunsthaus Zürich, Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung, Donated by Bruno and Odette Giacometti, 2006
- Object number
- GS 292
- Provenance
- Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft | Kunsthaus Zürich, ab 2006, Leihgabe
- Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung (Sammlung), 2006, Geschenk
- Bruno und Odette Giacometti, bis 2006, Nachlass
- Alberto Giacometti